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Google Checkout

November 26th, 2007 | Permalink

Symantec Norton AntiVirus 2007 for Free after Rebate

File under:, Computer, Coupons and Rebates, Daily Deals, Google Checkout

Norton AntiVirus is offering a $45 Visa Debit Card if you purchase Symantec Norton AntiVirus 2007 (for 3 users) between 6/25 and 6/30. Additionally, they discounted the price of the software to $45 so it zeros out once you received the card in the mail. We are providing the links to this plus some other coupons you can try below. As always, please make sure to read all the terms and conditions before purchasing.


June 25th, 2007 | Permalink

Deal Alert: Logitech Harmony 880 Remote Control for $124

File under: Coupons and Rebates, Daily Deals, eCost, Electronics, For Him, Google Checkout, Harmony Remote Controls

Logitech Harmony 880 Universal Remote Control

Since we can’t stop raving about the Logitech Harmony 880 Remote Control, we’re happy to pass along a couple of great deals which we hope may push some of you to finally upgrade. As a reminder, the 880 is a fully programmable universal remote control with a color screen and a charging dock. Thanks to a built in USB port, the 880 can sync with Logitech’s online programming application which contains codes for 150,000 devices, meaning no need for you to create manual macros.

Enough of the talk, now to the great deals. Amazon is selling the 880 for $153.99 and they are offering a $30 rebate if you purchase between 11/28 and 12/4. From what we can see, this is by far the lowest price on the market for a new 880. If you’re not crazy about rebates, consider eCost, which is selling the remote for $149 and you can save $10 by using Google Checkout. If you choose the eCost route, you may want to hurry because supplies are limited.


November 30th, 2006 | Permalink

Zune: “We’re Number 2!”

File under: Amazon, Apple iPod and iPhone, eCost, Google Checkout, Microsoft Zune, Music, News of the Day, Shopping News

Microsoft Zune

Looks like Microsoft’s much maligned Zune may have done better this week than most of us expected. During it’s launch week, the Zune captured a 9% market share and a 13% dollar spent share in the portable media player market. These numbers may not seem high (consider iPod dominated at 63% and 72.5%) but they do mean that for this initial period, the Zune became the number 2 device behind the iPod. Before Microsoft execs pop the Champagne, they should remember that this was the product launch week so interest and promotions gave the product a boost.

If you’re interested in buying a Zune, so far it appears as if eCost wins the price battle with the brown and black Zunes in stock for $233.99 and the white Zune for $229.99. Don’t forget to use and get another $10 off. Amazon is a close second with all three colors selling for $239.99.

Zune BrownZune WhiteZune Black


November 30th, 2006 | Permalink

Shopperism: The Week in Review (November 20-26, 2006)

File under: Amazon, Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2006,, eBags, Google Checkout, Hammacher Schlemmer, The Week in Review, TiVo

Hammacher Robotic PugilistsIt was our first Thanksgiving together and if you’re like us and you chose to shop online (rather than get trampled at 5AM in front of your favorite big box store) then you learned that:

November 26th, 2006 | Permalink

4GB USB Flash Drive for $44

File under: Computer, Coupons and Rebates, Daily Deals, Early Adopter, eCost, Electronics, Google Checkout, NewEgg

A-Data PD2 4GB USB 2.0 Flash DriveThe A-Data PD2 4GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive is available from eCost for $44 (after coupon and rebate) or from NewEgg for $47 (after rebate). The PD2 is a small removable USB 2.0 flash drive measuring approximately 2.74″ x 0.67″ x 0.39″ and weighing a mere 0.35 ounces. It’s a plug-and-play device that works driver-less in Windows XP, Mac OSX, and even Linux.

Here is a comparison of the best deals for this product:

eCost NewEgg

Price $64.00 $66.99

Rebate $10.00 (expires 10/31/06) $20.00 (expires 11/10/06)

Coupon $10.00 (Google Checkout)

Total $44.00 $46.99


October 30th, 2006 | Permalink

Shopperism: The Week in Review (October 23-29, 2006)

File under: Amazon, Dell, Google Checkout, Linens N' Things, Peapod, The Week in Review

plates.jpgAnother week disappears and we feel smarter than ever. Why? Because we learned the following:

October 29th, 2006 | Permalink

$10 off $30 Google Checkout Coupon Expiring Soon

File under: Ace Hardware,, CameraWorld, Coupons and Rebates, Dick's Sporting Goods, eBags, eCost, FogDog, GameFly, Google Checkout, iRobot (Roomba), PBS, Starbucks, The Sports Authority, Zales

Google Checkout Coupon

There are only 4 days left in ‘s $10 off $30 coupon which you can use in many online stores (see list/links below). If you are not familiar with , it’s an alternative payment system (like PayPal) which retailers are adding to their existing checkout. We’ve already tried it and found it to be quick and easy. Act soon as this coupon expires 10/31/06.

To take advantage of this coupon, click on store link below, add items to your cart, and click on Google Checkout Button

Links to Participating Stores: eCost
eBags GameFly
Zales Ashford
PBS Ace Hardware
Dicks Sporting Goods FogDog
The Sports Authority CameraWorld iRobot

October 28th, 2006 | Permalink

One Week To Go: $10 Off Coupon at eCost

File under: Computer, Coupons and Rebates, eCost, Electronics, Google Checkout, Wireless and Phones


There are only 7 days left to use the Google Checkout $10 Coupon on orders of $30 or more at eCost. To redeem this coupon, click here and use Google Checkout to complete your purchase.

Link:  $10 Coupon on orders of $30 or more at eCost (expires 10/31/06)

October 23rd, 2006 | Permalink

$10 off $30 at eCost with Google Checkout

File under: Computer, Early Adopter, eCost, Electronics, Google Checkout, Wireless and Phones


eCost is encouraging its customers to use the new Google Checkout system. To do so, they are offering $10 off orders of more than $30 if you use Google Checkout when purchasing a product. Use coupon code: ecost10 (case sensitive). This offer expires 8/31/06.

August 23rd, 2006 | Permalink

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